I have been reading the comments on the blog! I thank each of you, for taking the time and sharing, giving encouragement! Allowing me to hear how God is still working thru Ashley and the love that she shared. It means so much to me, I'm so privilege to be her mom. I guess this is the way, I trade daily trials for that joy! Some nights I'm not able to sleep or get to bed on time, my spirit is restless. I haven't been able to focus and I look over the site. I say very little at times but it dose help me, when I read over them! The last post was at graduation, everything was so well put together! The class of 2008, done a memory garden. They named it Ashley's garden it's very nice! I've been doing somethings to keep it looking nice while the students are out for the summer! I've really enjoyed just sitting out under the tree's! I hope that the student's will enjoy it just as much. Taking a walk or just looking out at God's great creation and hearing its cheerfulness, it seem to embrace me. I find myself holding my faith close to me during this time. I have not finished the book I started reading, 90 minutes in Heaven, of a death and life, true story writer Don Piper. I just started reading it, it's something I think I need to hold off on reading at the time! Everyone has said it has given them a new perspective. I'll read it soon, I'd like to hear of the miracles he shares! Well I ask for your prayers, I'm grateful for each one of you! May my life be a living prayer to the Lord, as long as there is a need in my life and in the world. This is not my home, help me to be humble, make in me a clean heart and mind and fill me with your mercy Lord! Thank you Lord for my beautiful daughter I love her and my son very, very much! The picture of Ashley is with one of her students Madison, they both have such beautiful smiles
Love Mom
i never knew ashley . but the day that i heard of what had happened , i cried so hard . that was the same day that my mom's friend's mother had passed away . when i heard about ashley and read about what her friends had wrote about her , it made me wish that i knew her . my brother had known her , and everybody had always said that she had a smile on her face . i think and know that God had used her to teach others about Jesus , even without her saying things about him . Just the way that she acted , showed what a true person of God was . I cry everytime I come to this page , and I'm so sorry for your loss , just remember that there are people out there praying for you and your family , including me . God and Ashley will always be watching over you . I'm so , so sorry . Ashley is and was a beautiful girl , and i'll always remember her . Even though i never knew her , it sure felt like I did . Whenever i would cry because of ashley's passing , my friends would ask me if i knew her , and i would say no , but it sure does feel like it . I'll be praying for you and your family . God Bless, Brittany Urquhart .
I went to school with Ashely. She was such a wonderful girl, and always had a smile on her face :)
I actually was suppose to sit right next to her on graduation. I sat with her while we took our graduation test. She made test taking a lot more fun then anyone could imagine. I remember the day we were taking the science portion of the test, i had fallen asleep and when i woke up she was laughing hysterically at me. She was teasing me, because she said i was snoring and drooling, but i really wasnt. I will never forget Ashley! I know she is looking down on the class of 2008 and she's here with us in spirit.
I really wanted to introduce myself to you on graduation day, but it got a little complicated. On graduation night i went to Ashley's grave and I put my tassel from my graduation cap on her tombstone. She has really touched my life, and I pray everyday that you and your family are doing well. Please know that Ashely has touched the life of many people and she is now our guardian angel.
Reading this has be crying so hard right now because lately all I have been able to think about is how much I miss her, and how things were when she was here. I know I can't be selfish and beg for her to be back and that this is all God's big plan for life. Ashley was just too beautiful to be in this crazy world. She belonged with her savior in her real home. I am so blessed to have known her because without her I would not be the person I am today, I would not now Christ as my Lord and Savior nor would I have recently went on the mission trip to mexico. I do however look foward to the day when we all go home and we all a blessed with her smiling face, because now I am saved and I do know I will see her again. I love you Mrs. Tammy and I am always thinking about you and praying for you.
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