Monroe's Graduation Friday May 23, 2008 at 6:pm
This was the day that Ashley looked forward to as you've read. Ashley's plans for her future seem so complete. Going off to college was her big step, we talked about it! I told her please be careful don't go anywhere without your friends and always seek to encourage all who cross your path! Love with no strings attached. Feed your soul with the word of God and if you ever grow weak please call your mom or a Christian friend, stay close to the Lord! Pray everyday and never forget someone (I'm) praying for you! You must be the change you wish to see in the world! She told me that, she one day would start her home close to me, so that I could watch my grand babies while she worked on the future!
We are so blessed to be apart of your life! We have grown and shared many wonderful memories together, as you mature into this amazing young lady.
I pray that your values and character are essential qualities to your achievements in your career. To your New journeys, New experiences, New milestones dream of your future, and i ask you to never stop reaching for the highest star my sweet angel!
This is what I would say, I know she went on to a bigger plan and remember she will be watching over you!
To Ashley's classmates and cherished friends
Go start New journeys, New experiences, New milestones
dream of your future you can make it happen! I love each of you
and I'll be praying for our future
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world
--Mahatma Gandhi
I Love You Ashley, Mom
Mrs. Tammy -
I love what you have done with this site for Ashley. One can never get tired of seeing that angels precious smile! I know that she was so looking forward to this Friday night - she had big plans - but know she is up there taking care of us all and shining down oh so bright upon us. I have a special group of songs on my Ipod and I named the group "Ashley" and when I run I listen to this group of songs and I think about her and she helps me make it through my journey. She was such a special person and I know that we can't even begin to imagine what you are going through, but just stay strong and true to the Lord like Ashley would want and one day we will see that beaming smile again and I can't wait to call her "Bondo" again - maybe she will have some fiber bars and a diet dr. pepper waiting on me...hahaha! I love her and I love you and just know that if you ever need anything I'm always right down the road! You are in my thoughts & prayers everyday! We love you Tammy!
Tricia Brown
I know tomorrow brings with it, so many emotions. I cannot begin to imagine what each new day brings to your life right now. But what I do know is that God whether we understand it or not has a plan and that plan included a graduation ceremony for Ashley, that our wildest imagination cannot even begin to comprehend. Heaven....as the song says "I can only imagine". Can't you just imagine what that beautiful earthly smile looked like as she crossed the Jordan river and caught her first glimpse of Jesus. I pray Friday brings you a renewed strength, peace, joy, and a special blessing from God. Each and every Sunday at church you amaze and challenge me so much. Know that we love all of yall and continue to pray for each of you daily. Kay Pruitt
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