Saturday, March 8, 2014

Ashley today's your special day we could not forget it seems like only yesterday, I carried you in my arms, you learned how to crawl; I’d pull you in your wagon to see the horses. I’d read your favorite bedtime stories over and over again, watched you ride Henry (her pet rooster) on the handlebar of your bike. Memories mean so much to me, Oh how those years so quickly pass for my little girl and me, so beautiful a dream. You’ll always be my baby girl; you’re perfect in every way. And today, because it's Your special day so full of memories to keep, we’re sending loving thoughts your way
On this your very special day’  years have fast flown by, in you we have been blessed to see a daughter who has grown to be, someone who has made me so proud and honored to be your mom, with all my love I send it your way
Happy Birthday blessing to you my baby girl

Love Mom


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