Friday, November 1, 2013

The tide recedes, but leaves behind bright seashells on the sand. The sun goes down, but a gentle breeze still lingers on the land. The music stops, but echoes on in sweet refrains. 
For everything that passes something Beautiful remains ♫♪

I find my strength in the memories, knowing in perfect peace Christ allows me

 I feel warmth around me like my Ashley’s presence is so near,
And I can close my eyes to visualize her face when she would laugh, smile, and say, mom I love you! I ponder the times we spent together they are locked inside my heart, for as long as I have those memories, she will never be apart, Even though we cannot speak no more, her voice is always there, for every time before I sleep, I say my prayers. Being strong in the Lord and in the power of His might, keeping in perfect peace whose mind is stays on the Lord, because I trust in Thee

Love your mom


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